
Solidarity, Sister!

We like most young people around the world don't really have the money to go buy music all the time. And with the legislation on intellectual property being what it is in the western countries, we're kinda scared of downloading illegally. That's why we love artists who think about these things. One of our favorites is Fever Ray (Karin Dreijer-Andersson of the Knife). She's made her entire album available for online listening on her website. No real downloading, just streaming. A lot of our friends are listening to Fever Ray's magical debut on that site until they can afford to buy the album. If you haven't listened to it yet then you totally should. It is one of the best releases of this year.

Check it out here: FeverRay.com

If you want to involve your eyes as well in this experience you should check out Fever Ray's YouTube channel where you can see the masterpieces that are her music videos. (link)